Brasco wasn't expecting this little girl puppy. Jim and I went to the lake to visit my cousin and on the way we stopped at a small pet store. There were 2 puppies in a carrier. One was a teacup and one was a long haired Chihuahua. The teacup was really too small for us, so Jim picked up the other one and never put her down. We bought her and took her home to meet Brasco and Clifton. Actually, she met my cousins and a cat that was staying with them, first. The cat was kind of big and Betty was little, but like most Chihuahuas, she thought she was just as big as the cat. The cat stayed inside all the time, so he didn't even know what a dog was and Betty, being Betty as we know her now, didn't really care what it was. She had been in the pet store around other dogs, cats, birds, so she just jumped right in. Like I said, the cat didn't know what to think. Betty promptly ate out of the cats bowl. My cousin got a box for her and she got in the box. 

The big thing was wondering how Brasco would react. He had been the only dog, living with my dad, my son and me. He was 4 years old when we got Betty. We put her down on the floor and they stared at each other for a while. Brasco really seemed to like her and Betty was a bouncing baby, so she was all over him. Brasco watched over her like a mother would. lol I was really amazed at his reaction. We got a bigger box for her to sleep in and he would watch me every night while I put her "in the box." That became our new saying "in the box" because Brasco knew what that meant. I would say are you ready to put Betty "in the box"? He knew she was going to sleep. Even after all these years, (Betty just turned 7 years old) we can still say "in the box" and Brasco perks his ears up.
After 3 litters of puppies, we figure Brasco really is ready to put Betty "in the box".
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